bridgingIT Planning Poker


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bridgingIT Planning Poker (also known as Scrum Poker) is a simple yet effective tool to estimate complexity of user stories in agile projects (e.g. Scrum, Kanban, etc.) in a meeting room, office, living room, moon or outer space.This application makes planning meetings more efficient and fun.Functionalities:Planning Poker® with Fibonacci-Numbers, natural numbers and T-Shirt-SizesCards are obscured automatically after selectionReveal by shakeLeave screen on during estimation sessionsimple and elegant designDeveloped with love
To learn more on the method itself, visit
The bridgingIT Planning Poker App is already proven and tested in many projects at bridgingIT. To learn more on our software development process visit our website:
Legal Note:PLANNING POKER® is a reg. trademark of Mountain Goat Software, LLC Sequence of values is © Mountain Goat Software, LLC